The far away shots are the only ones that i would call poor... mostly because of the coloring. But the close up shots are unfuckingbelievable. A lot of the preview shots were cleaned up.

Whoever criticized the effects for being fake looking must not have seen the same shots i did. MOST of them were highly impressive.

I'd say see it if you are an effects nut. I'm usually highly critical of effects, and like i said, the ones that were good were SO good that i quickly forgot about the few bad ones. Just see it, and watch the subtle details in the full shots of the hulk... there are muscles and veins pumping EVERYWHERE. It's insane. The close ups are equally insane. The facial acting and body movements are nuts.

I could have done without the jumping around everwhere, but the good stuff still outweighs the bad for me.

Ignore the critics, who the hell listens to them anyway, just go see it without any preconcieved notions and you'll be impressed.
|| loren ||