Neat article and clearly written with a solid understanding of the book. Anyone who has questions about the noveI would do good to read it. He also does a good job of constrasting the movie from the book. I especially like the line
Paul Verhoeven, Jon Davison, and Ed Neumeier's Twisted Parody of a Book They Claim They Liked But Have Done Everything to Befoul is simply too long for casual use.
Have you actually read Starship Troopers? It’s really an excellent book, though as I said, reading it made the movie very irritating.

I'm interested to read your comparison of The Minority Report as it's another movie that completely disregarded the themes of the original work. I don’t know why movie makers do this sort of thing. Getting facts wrong is understandable for a different medium, but changing the themes of a work is just plain wrong even if you don’t agree with the original vision. It'd sort of be like making Atlas Shrugged with John Galt as a Communist. I'm not a big Rand fan, but I wouldn't be the one making that movie.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.