> I'm using it as a basis for my similar comparison of Dick's The Minority Report and Spielberg's Minority Report

I would like to read it as well. I actually liked the movie quite a bit, more than Dick's story. No doubt the movie had very little to do with the original though, other than idea of precogs and the main character's name there was almost no similiarity. It should not have even been called Minority Report since the "Minority report" was absolutly irrelevant in the movie. But taking the movie on purely its own merits, I thought the movie dealt with a lot of really interesting issues and was a good little whodunnit story to boot.

As for Troopers, I have never read the book (not a big Heinlein fan) so I have to take the movie purely on its own merits, of which it has very few. Sub-par special effects, 2 dimensional characters and trite dialogue, laughable fight scenes (that were not MEANT to be laughed at), and just over the top campiness.

If MST3K was still on the air, I would expect Starship Troopers to make it on there eventually. It has that kind of quality.
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