<whiny> Damn IT! My new 2 drive set up worked just fine with everything connected yet sprawled all over my desk. Now that I reassemble it, I get the Kernel panic yadda yadda yadda. Yes, I read the FAQ and Forum and will try all the stuff. I was probably too rough with the cable and drives while mounting the second drive.

But I am writing to ask:
Is there a trick to mounting the new drive and its washers?

I ended up putting the back two screws through the sled, putting the washers on the proper end, then carefully lowering the drive into place; flipping the sled and drive over with my fingers on the screws, then carefully tightning them (a bit) so they'd stay. I then had to use tweezers to place the front two washers in place between the drive and the sled. What a mess.

So, all that stress probably messed up my cable. With support gone, is there a way to get a new one? Let me fiddle with it first, but I'll probably come crying back. I hope my empeg can make it to its first birthday. It's 10 months in... SO close!
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set