That's why the FAQ (last I looked) still tells people to use Emplode/Emptool to fix the database:
Um, actually, it's not in the FAQ because I hadn't thought of it.

Paul's mention is the first I'd heard of it.
So what would be the correct commands for doing it that way?
Let's see, I was thinking of editing that FAQ entry a bit anyway, so how's this for a proposed rewrite:
You should be at a shell prompt now. Enter:
rwm (There will be a long pause)
rm /drive0/var/database
rm /drive0/var/database3
rm /drive0/var/tags
rm /drive0/var/playlists
rm /drive1/var/database
rm /drive1/var/database3
rm /drive1/var/tags
rm /drive1/var/playlists
(Note that some of those RM commands will not work, that's OK)
(The player application will run and rebuild the databases)
(This should exit the player application back to the shell prompt)
Is that the correct procedure? Should that work?