Did you do a "sync" command or do any filesystem work between the rwm and the exit?
No, I didn't. I did the commands as I listed above in the thread, except I replaced "/empeg/bin/player" with "exit", and it all seemed to work.
Of course, I wasn't having disk trouble when I did it. I'm guessing people who are having trouble with their databases might also be having disk trouble, so I should beef up the FAQ entry regarding FSCKing before you do this.
I conceed the point - this is not for anyone who is unfamiliar with unix, or would mind blowing their filesystems to billions of random bits.
While I also concede Peter's point, I have the following philosophy regarding this:
- Synching once with emplode should have taken care of it in the first place.
- If that didn't work, we're already in "problem" territory and we need to get this dealt with.
- We're already telling them to RWM the drives and delete files. From there, it's not a big step to exit the shell and have the player app fire off a database rebuild.
- Some people have reported getting Emplode working to synch when they're having these kinds of problems. In fact, these kinds of problems might be
caused by problems with emplode. So if they need to do this procedure at all, it's actually
better if we can leave emplode out of the equation.
Does anyone have any other warnings with regard to doing it that way?