I came across the Empeg while looking for a home mp3 player. I can't remember if it was a cnet search or if i came across it while looking at the rio central. This happened to be the same time of the fire sale, I didn't even know about the Empeg before then. Sizing up the Empeg and the Central and scouting the BBS, teh choice was clear, i decided to buy a 60GB Empeg. Being an American but living in the UK I had it shipped to my parent's house and then wait 2 months before i could pick it up. It was agony. Unfortunately my Empeg has never been installed in a car as I don’t have one in the UK. I use it as my home music server and play thing - am trying to get Bluetooth installed at the moment. Wireless software updates should soon be a reality. Then, hopefully, palantir over Bluetooth will someday be an option.