Glad to hear you got yours up and running.
Not without some flakiness, though. Channel 4 comes in with a lot of staticky sound and picture. It looks fine with cable going directly into my TV, but crappy through the replay. At least it was that way last night. Luckily it's a channel I won't record often, but it'd be nice to be able to at least *watch* that channel on the Replay... Waiting to find out if this is an intermittent problem or not. AVSForum chronicles some other problems people have been having with flaky ReplayTV tuners, but it doesn't seem *that* widespread.

Otherwise things have been pretty cool. I've been playing with DVArchive and the other various programs people have written.. Fun stuff. Everything I've asked it to record so far has been recorded, and it's very good about letting you know if there are conflicts. So far so good, save the flaky channe 4, and the fact that you can't assign padding to "theme channels," which forces me to record sporting events individually.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff