What I want, and I now think it is a valid request, is the ability to link to a playlist and have the option of treating it differently.

Let me understand this. You want:

- To be able to make a link to another playlist so you don't have to individually edit it, but
- Be able to inidividually edit that link as if it were a unique playlist.

I think you're asking for two mutually-exclusive things. It's either a link (i.e., when you edit the link you edit the original, too), or it's a unique playlist that is separately editable. Which do you want?

I don't see how you could have both, unless they threw out the entire playlist code and started from scratch from the ground up with your idea in mind. I don't foresee that happening any time soon.

In the meantime, I'm sure there's a way to create a playlist structure that's simpler, easier to maintain, but is just as useful and does what you want it to do. Describe again what you want to do, from the perspective of a listener and his music (not from the perspective of a user and his playlists), and we'll try to figure out how the Empeg's current features allow you to do it most easily.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris