First of all, I'd suggest removing the "Complete Albums By Artist" level of the playlist tree and just sticking your artists in the root. Quicker to navigate that way.

As a listener I would like to be able to, say, take 10 tracks from my entire collection at random and listen to them.

What should it do when those ten tracks are done? Unless you want it to do something special at that point, you don't need a playlist to do it.

What I'd do is just press "0" on the remote to turn on shuffle, then hit play from the root playlist. When it's done playing ten randomized songs, I'd either choose something else for it to do, or keep listening to more randomized songs.

I'm still not clear on why a special playlist is needed for randomizing in your case. If you want to randomize albums but not the tracks within those albums, then tag your root and artist playlists as randomized while leaving the albums themselves sequential.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris