I'm still not clear on why a special playlist is needed for randomizing in your case. If you want to randomize albums but not the tracks within those albums, then tag your root and artist playlists as randomized while leaving the albums themselves sequential.

Actually, I did think of a good application for this kind of aliasing. Not sure how to implement it, but here goes:

Imagine a playlist that consisted of entries like this:

N random track(s) from playlist XXX.

Then I could do things like:

One random track from playlist "Celtic"
Two random tracks from playlist "Rush"
One random track from playlist "Firesign Theater: Ads"
One random tracks from playlist "Clapton"

Put this on repeat, and it will splice in an ad for Bear Whiz Beer or Ersatz Bros. Coffee between after fourth track.

Basically what we need is a special kind of playlist that simply applies it's properties to playlists within it.

Mk.I #150
Mk.II #39
Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.