Remote buttons are doable.. I did it with a little joystick that has all 7 empeg actions (up/down/left/right, knob cw/ccw/push) on one stick, but you just need 7 things that act as switches and a way to convert that into a serial signal. I could possibly put something together for you if you want to email me, [email protected]

I think there was someone else who had component video out working, don't see the thread after a quick search though. Displaying over serial to a VFD like I have and foxtrot is working on is also doable.

This is what I've done (the cig lighter knob is the joystick, the other buttons are for garage doors, display power, and 6 software buttons sent to the Empeg to do whatever with; Display software is set to only use 1/4 of the 256x64 VFD right now):