The only problem is that the app runs as just another application, so the Player can take all the CPU time and starve it whenever it wants. This usually happens when it spins up the disks, which is usually you're pushing buttons. Then keypresses get queued up in the serial buffer and when the app gets processor time again the actions all get blasted out. It should be possible to give it the same priority as the Player since the button listener app needs virtually no processor time to check for input every once in a long (to the CPU) while, but I don't know how to go about doing that in a way that doesn't stick it in the kernel.. anybody?

Vincent, I was thinking about how you set up your control to empeg interface and how I'd like to set up mine. Is it possible to interface your basic stamp to the tuner serial port instead (inverted TTL) and have it feed this port psuedo-sony stalk packets instead of basic serial commands. This should prevent delayed controller commands and also completely free up the serial port for other uses. Since the empeg is remotely mounted anyway the tuner isn't needed (in most cases).