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The scorch mark is normal. Part of the VFD manufacture.

That's a relief then, although I suspected it was possible. Scorch marks don't happen by dropping things.

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I am surprised how many times the hard drive had to retry. It found it, and you could sync, but maybe the cable is loose but still making contact.

I have to admit I would have expected there to have been more problems if the hard disk cable was loose. It's certainly nice and tight on the drive. I will take the drive tray off and have a good peer around the motherboard this evening. Hopefully I'll just find the VFD cable has popped off or slipped or summat.

You see nothing on the VFD even while booting? Perhaps the VFD cable is loose on the main board as well?

This is what's really puzzling me. As far as I know that's the only connection between the front panel - which has the VFD, buttons and IR on it - and the motherboard. If it were off completely, I wouldn't be able to see the screen, use the buttons or the remote - all true, except I can put the player into and out of standby by holding the top button down. So there must be some connection. I can't even use the top button to pause and unpause the player. What on earth could cause this?

I haven't heard anything back from support yet - will keep on hoping. I have to admit I haven't been following the BBS too closely recently - what's the current state of play regarding support?

Hoping for the best,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550