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It may be a long while before you hear from support please see this post.
Ach, that's bad news. I hope everything's all right with Rob - he's got my full support.
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Was the driveway it fell on cement or blacktop ? I know it sounds like a dumb question but blacktop wouild "give" a little more that cement.
Cement, unfortunately. It's not a dumb question, it just doesn't help any
Well, I'm continually more puzzled. I can't see any wires or leads that have been crushed, folded, bent, spindled, mutilated, filed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. One of the boards at the back of the empeg (plugged into the main board with a jumper block and a white block to cables on the top side, in the middle of the back) is a teensy bit loose, but it's definitely plugged all the way in. I just wobbled it slightly when I touched it, is all.
No obvious damage to the VFD or any other component that I can see. Haven't tried the serial line yet.
BTW, what's the greenish LED-like thing to the left of the two IR LEDs, above the Pulsing LED of Power?
Here's hoping,
P.S. There's a new mix in the offing...