I've got the paid version of MMJB ver 8. It is my opinion that it's a big, slow, confusing, steamy bloated POS. I haven't bothered with it since I learned the Alt+L library command in Winamp 2.9. </rant mode>

I'm old school: I rip EAC/Lame, use WA 2.9 for playback, MP3 Tag Studio 3 for tagging.

I agree with you about the earlier versions, it blew away the competition. They really F'd up with 8, in my opinion. I know there's folks who like it, but I don't use the streaming features which seem to be what people like best about it.

I haven't tried ITunes, just beacuse I really don't want it copying everything to it's directory and never plan on downloading anything from the Apple store, as I basically refuse to use any DRM'd products.

I guess I'm just a stubborn old fart!
