Thanks for all of the information. It looks like I will be busy this weekend with this project.

The thing about buying a new amp, while it sounds good, I've never heard of 5 channel amps. And second, if I had enough money to buy another amp, I could probably hire an expert who isn't guessing at what he hopes will work and not blow up his cars' electrical system. This kind of happened once before I took over ownership from my Dad, a wire shorted out in the turn signal lever and caused $400 worth of repair bills. So, I have to become an expert on something I should be good at, but don't have much experience in doing it, and hoping my car won't turn into a paper weight.

I am planing on hooking up one 10" sub to channel three, and one 10" sub to channel four on my amp. I currently only use the first 2 channels, channel 1 is the front pair, channel 2 is the back pair. It is warnings like "don't bring the Ohm load too low" that concern me. Basically because I'm not really sure what my Ohm load is at right now.

And I haven't made up my mind yet on doing the capacitors/inductors thing or crossover. I'm going to have to look at how my system is setup again and if I can fit it in someplace.

For the crossover, could I plug the empeg out (to amp) RCA wires into it, or is it better to have it close to the amp? I'm guessing it doesn't matter...