Any Program has to be fairly straightforward for me to get to grips with, I couldn't get in to tagstudio, at all, but tag & rename I thought to be phenomenal.
Last time I re-catalogued my library, I used Slink-e, the first time, dare I admit it, Real Jokebox, so when I sat down to do the whole lot again, I was resigned to spending off and on, a couple of weeks: I finished, 16,000 tracks in 3-4 hours on sunday morning - as I say: Phenomenal. Which doesn't mean to say that better taggers don't exist, but I hope I'll never need to find out!
- only problem is I've balls-ed up all the, perfectly good, tags on artists a - c, before I read the recommendation in this thread and I fear that I'm going to have to do the whole lot one at a time! - unless you can point me to a tagger that can move the artist's name back from the track no. column and recover the missing information from all the files I've renamed!
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