> Any one else here remember the articles about all the bad
> electrolitic caps running around from a couple years ago.

I chuckled when I saw that (and got my airport RMA'd immediately). Why? My '89 Plymouth Colt's ECU blew a cap in the parking lot, killing the car. Disassembly showed that the cap had not only blown, but destroyed much of the board around it in the process. Replacing the cap myself proved fruitless. Sending it to a "we'll charge $300 if we can fix it, or ship it back for free otherwise" place proved fruitless (and they'd seen scores of this ECU before).

Mitsubishi wanted ~$1000 for a new ECU. I finally found a used one at a "satellite-linked" parts company (read: scrapyard) in Minnesota for $150, shipping inclusive. *That* was a deal. It looked like it had been hanging out in the rain for years. BUT IT WORKED and still does (even though the car is now acting as a planter in the corner of my parking lot).

Course, I was without a car for a month as I called around the country...
