but you all need to really check those hard drive screws.

I can second that.

Last weekend I replaced the 10 GB hard drive in my spare player with an 80 GB drive, making it my primary player. That 10 GB player had perhaps 15 hours total use on it, and the four scrrews securing the 10GB hard drive were no more than finger tight. If I could have gotten my fingers around the screw heads I could have unscrewed them without a screwdriver.

If anybody would like to buy a very low-time non-abused 10 GB hard drive (just hard drive, not player) with no music but player software 2.0 final installed on it, give me a PM. I'd like to get about $500 for it, but somehow I suspect the going rate is more like $40 or $50.

And... a little trick I came up with installing the 80 GB drive. As Tony suggests in the FAQ you should install washers under the drive to give a bit more clearance for the drive spindle... "just in case". I didn't have any washers, so I cut a pair of narrow strips of bicycle inner tube (thin, road-bike tube, not thick mountain bike tube) and used those instead of washers. Perhaps the "springiness" of the rubber will even offer a lockwasher-like effect and make it less likely that the screws will loosen. Or, perhaps the rubber will deteriorate with heat and time and make it more likely that the screws will loosen. Time will tell...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"