Ah, an official FAQ! Can an official BBS be far behind?

I have a couple of things to say about it...

Initially, the FAQ will be a simple flat ASCII TXT file. Eventually, it will evolve into an HTML based document, and may end up stored in a simple database for lookup on the Developer site for reference, depending on demand/input.

Having done precisely that once before, let me encourage you to not start with an ASCII file and later merge it into HTML. It is a huge headache to maintain two versions of a document and keep them synched. If you're planning on making it HTML, then simply do that to begin with. You'll save yourself a lot of work. (And don't give me that "but what about people who don't have web browsers" crap, or I'll be forced to hunt you down so I can personally adminster a dope-slap.)

I don't think you need to go through with the searchable database thing. That probably won't be necessary for a FAQ like this one. Too much overkill. But if you're serious about doing that, too, then skip the straight-HTML stuff and start with the database. Trust me, you want to save as many "conversion" steps as possible.

...or answers to common questions, or even both...

Wow a FAQ with answers, too?! How useful.

As far as content goes, I would be willing not only to contribute to it, but help out in any way I can with developing and maintaining it. If you need help with writing content, proofreading, formatting, design, graphics, etc., just say the word.

(the Third Rob)

Ever watch "Newhart"?

"Hi, I'm Rob. This is my brother Rob, and this is my other brother, Rob."

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris