I just bought a GameCube recently, so I didn't get in any games for Xmas, and the games I bought are older because they're cheaper. Right now I'm playing Eternal Darkness, which is very cool and reminds me quite a bit of Alone in the Dark (which probably shows my age and that I've never played Resident Evil).
Max Payne 2 was pretty good, but it added so little beyond the original that it was a disappointment. The only new things I can remember are the super-quick reloads when in bullet-time mode and the fact that the slowness of bullet-time changes depending on how many bad guys you kill. But my big disappointment was with the cut scenes. In the first Max Payne, they were very tongue-in-cheek, and that seemed to have been lost in the second one where they became kind of dry and boring. I didn't really have a problem with the length because I rarely manage to finish longer games. Tell me about the alternate ending, though. I didn't replay the game on the higher difficulty settings.
Bitt Faulk