I've been somewhat amiss this season in not paying too much attention to the debates. I'm trying to rectify that by reading some transcripts. It seems that most of the candidates are again fairly politicianly. It really bothers me the way they will take five seconds to avoid a question in order to then talk about what they feel like. There seem to be exceptions, but not many.

Those of you who are registered Democrats, who are you planning to vote for and why?

Carol Moseley Braun
Wesley Clark
Howard Dean
John Edwards
Dick Gephardt
John Kerry
Dennis Kucinich
Joe Lieberman
Al Sharpton

(Note that Bob Graham officially dropped out.)

Oh, and please vote only if your are a registered Democrat. I want to get a feeling for the real election (not that, I imagine, we're a great statistical sample). The rest of you, please feel free to join in the discussion, if you wish.
Bitt Faulk