I'm not a registered voter, but I really like Wesley Clark's potential. The economic plan he unveiled today makes fiscal sense to me. Although I don't purport to understand the macroeconomics of the US Government to KNOW that it will work, I think the principles of his plan are certainly better than Dubya's pseudo-trickle-down crap that gives tax breaks to corporations and the top 1% in the hopes that they'll pass that money on to those below them on the corporate and economic ladders (here's a shocker: they won't!) The other democrats (from what I've seen, anyway) haven't been nearly as specific about what they plan to do, probably because they don't want to make campaign promises they can't back up.

Dean, on the other hand, really scares me. Every politician makes a boneheaded statement or three during a long campaign, but he seems to make several each day, and then the worst part is he backpedals on them when cornered. Furthermore, I just think the guy lacks any semblence of charisma, which is an incredibly important part of a President's job, both domestically (to get budgets through Congress, convince the American people, etc.) and abroad (to convince other world leaders, earn back the trust lost during the last several years, etc.) Clark seems to have been much better at avoiding foot-in-mouth disease, and seems to have balanced domestic and foreign affairs agendas that seem like they might get us back in the right direction.

As for the other retreads on the list (Lieberman, Kerry, Gephardt) I really haven't seen anything from them that differentiates them enough from the crowd. I think they're a symbol of the Democratic status quo, and are just trying to take advantage of the anti-Bush movement in the country to steal an election. The rest of them are already also-rans, and not really worth mentioning.

I'm still adopting a "wait and see" posture right now, but as of right now, my vote (which will be my first ever for a Presidential election, BTW) will be with Clark. I think the White House really needs a moderate (but not wishy-washy) Democrat, and I think Clark might be the guy.
- Tony C
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