Ya, just been reading that on /.
I don't know though. I've a pair of slick black EČ server cabinets in the basement that I picked up from work when they were clearing out raised floor space. I'd like to use them for something, and I've always wanted to put everything together (movie, music, etc.) on the network. Ok, and yes, I want the readout from "df -h" to have a "T" at the end.
There's a prog for Win-tendos called
myHTPC that seems pretty good, but it's still in the "early" stages. VLC actually let me stream a DVD dump over 802.11b, believe it or not. Wasn't smooth, but it did it.
Nothing against Linksys, I just can't see paying them for proprietary gear when I could put something similar together with parts that are lying around (for the most part).