I agree that the globe is far too detailed and will reproduce poorly at small sizes and even more poorly at small sizes on the web. Simplify it down to just a globe, leving the grid lines on it so that it is clear it is a globe and not a solid circle.

Courier is not a good typeface to use for a logo. Every time you send something to print, you'll get a call from the repro guys who think you've forgotten to include a font with your job.

I'd recommend a sans-serif face like Frutiger, Univers and so on. Avoid any of the standard Windows set, anything too stylised (nothing too thick, thin, compressed or expanded). Go for something with clean lines and don't be afraid to use alignment rather than space the 'IT services' tagline across the full width.

Again, these are personal opinions, but I am speaking as a (former) professional typesetter and jobbing designer and I'm really just repeating the basic rules I learned in that trade.