Easy things first:

>Why is the Earth illuminated by two Sun's?

Because I should do things I'm able to do ;-). Never let a networker do graphical things. And this is the fact why I don't have a logo yet...

>Icon or jpeg?
Well, my Firefox doesn't like to open *.ico, just renamed it to a jpeg and thought nobody would care :-). But anyway, even in the screenshot of tfabris you'll see this logo as an icon between Address and the URL... ;-)

Isn't THAT cool? Wow! I've heard of a rowi bird as I googled around. But I didn't connect it to a logo. This has nothing to do with networking but with rowi, maybe one more reason to go into this direction.
I'd like to get the word rowi connected to the url rowi.net, so is it possible to attach the .net (however) ?
Just printed it out to see what happens with the bird. Hmm, I expected less because of the fine structure of it (my bad printer is a good surce for testing ;-)). I have to play aound with the bird ;-) to see if it's printable. Would this be free for using or do I have to buy the rowibird from a pet shop?

Thank you very much for so much attention on my posting. I never expected so much care.

Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN http://empeg.rowi.net
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***