Way to go, Tony. I don't think you'll be dissapointed with an iBook in the slightest. I just purchased a new Powerbook 15" yesterday and am very much looking forward to it coming in.

I mostly do development in ASP and ASP.NET these days so when I was looking for a laptop I was afraid I'd have to go the PC route. But instead I just purchased VirtualPC 6.1 along with my laptop and upped the RAM to accomodate the system load. That way I can test with IIS while still using dreamweaver in OSX.

Any questions you would have about purchasing a mac would be best answered at the MacRumors Forums. There is a large section on buying advice. There is also a buyers guide on MacRumors that gives suggestions on what to buy based on product update cycles.

One piece of advice I'd offer is, don't purchase RAM through Apple. If you go through the Apple Store to customize your laptop, leave out the memory and either get it from Crucial or from here

Good Luck!

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