What is it you don't like about the available MP3 players?
They all suck?

Seriously, I have a preference for being able to simply play an mp3. I don't want the player to import an mp3 into a library or anything, and most of them do that, including iTunes. I could probably ignore that, but it imports random music that you want to play from the internet, too, like samples from Amazon or whatever, and it's a pain to go and clean that shit up.

The few I've found that don't do that have trouble with their active playlists. When I tell it to play a track or playlist, I don't want it to add that to the currently existing playlist; I want it to replace it, and I can't find any players that have that as an option.

In addition, most of those have stability issues. The only one that I can think of that comes the closest is Audion, but it costs money, which I don't want to do in order to play music on the system as infrequently as I do. Also, it's been a while, but I remember having some issues with its playlist function, too.

xmms works the way I want, but I have no desire to create the overhead of running an X server (which Apple does include these days) just so that I can play mp3s the way I want. It's all very frustrating.
Bitt Faulk