Yeah, my goal is to get a laptop, not get a Mac. Getting a Mac laptop is just a kooky idea that came to me since I don't strictly need another PC or another Linux box, but I want a laptop. Most of what I'd do with it is platform-neutral stuff, or even just telnetting / VNCing to my Windows box in the other room. I kinda like the idea of the laptop as a "thin client" of sorts, and maybe something I'll do some web browsing and word processing on.

So, in that respect, I really don't care if it's a Mac, Windows, or Linux box. OS X has just been a curiosity of mine. Plus the Mac hardware (both iBook and Powerbook) is nice, and pretty reliable from what I've seen. So I figured if I could find a decent Mac laptop within 125% or 150% of the price of a comparable PC laptop, I'd give it a go. What I'm finding is that the price premium for Apple vs. PC laptops seems to be more like 175% to 200%, and that's a little much.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff