When I had my kidney stone, I was in so much pain I couldn't move, or sit still. When I got to the ER, the gave me an IV of Dilaudid. It kinda took the edge off. I said that it still hurt and they gave me another injection. It was into a stint, not another needle, so it was cool. After the second dose, I was floating high as a kite. Needless to say, the pain was gone. They did my CAT scan and send me home with a prescription for 7 dilaudid's. The pill form. (I didn't drive, no worries). When I filled the prescription, the pharmacist handed me a bottle with 15 pills. Not 7. I passed the stone in the next 12 hours, so I only had to take 1 of them. As I was talking to my dad that night, I relayed the story to him. He told me to take the other 14 and dump them down the drain. Apparently Dilaudid is the new class A narcotic of choice for street drugs and goes for $50 a pill. There are people that will kill you for 14 of them. Kinda weird, really.
Oh, and my job really really sucks right now. We have an interim mayor who is making life very difficult for everyone involved at city hall. Basically they're trying to dig up dirt on the previous administration, of which there is none. And they're dragging everyone who works there along with them. They fired a friend of mine yesterday for no reason whatsoever, so needless to say, everyone is on edge. And of course, since I'm the head computer nerd, I'm one of the primary's they're putting through the inquisition. Oh, and they only have 3 weeks left, so they're getting more and more desperate.
Edited by lectric (14/02/2004 13:28)