Well... not friday.. but Monday for me... Ironically after posting about my kidney stone guess what happens. Today I get woken up with that horrible pain... I couldn't lay down, sit down, or do anything else.. the only thing that made the pain go from a 20 out of 10 to a 19 was walking around a little bit. So I call my schools health & wellness center but the doctor doesn't get in untill 10. I wait it out in excruciating pain and then at 9:45 take a 15 minute walk over there. They do a few tests and determine they can't help me there and that I have to go to the ER. Ok.. so I call up a friend (well ex-gf really) and she says she can take me, only that after I got off the phone they tell me that I should take the ambulence because I wouldn't have to wait once I got to the hospital. I agree only because they have a deal setup where it doesn't cost me anything, but it takes 30 minutes for them to get there. Now it is around 11:30 and it wasn't until at least 2-3 before they injected the pain relivers into the iv. Anyways, now I know NOT to go to the health center because they will only hold me up longer.

The hospital prescribed me motrin and Tylenol 3 (w/codein)... doesn't seem like their going to help all that much when I wake up tomorrow with more pain but hopefully they will. Another thing is that I have classes for the rest of the week... so codein probobly isn't a good idea.

Here's to better days. Cheers,