Hey Tony. I was actually trying to really hard not to offend with my original post. Maybe I should have tried harder. I am sure you logo editor is a great piece of software, and I know lots of people here are very pleased with it. Since I don't have anything running windows and I am not going to install it on something just to load a logo on my stereo I tried to use one of my offices testing machines which I guess did not have anything installed that would have installed that DLL. For me, it really would be less work to write my own converter (or preferably dig up one somebody has already written) than spend half a day reloading windows on a computer that is not mine if that DLL screws up something. I appreciate the fact that your logoeditor does not have an installer, if it did I never would have touched it in the first place. What it boils down to is I am not going to run an unknown MS installer on a computer that is not mine just to get that DLL.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration