OK, for anyone who is interested here is the java source to a program that will take two 24bit bitmap files and convert them into the empeg boot logo format. To use it compile the file, add it to your CLASSPATH and then run

> java bmpTo4bpp player-type home-logo car-logo output-file

The first parameter should be either 'empeg' or 'rio' and determines if the empeg should boot with the empeg graphic/animation or the rio graphic/animation. The second parameter is the home logo. The third parameter is the car logo. The fourth parameter is the output file to create.

All bitmaps must be 24bit, uncompressed, grayscale images. This program will warn you if you try to feed it something else. You can convert other types of images using PhotoShop/Gimp/GraphicConverter/etc. Some software claims 24bit images are really 32bit so try both.

The output file that this creates still needs to be copied to the empeg with download.c from the empeg website. The most excelent FAQ has some info on this process.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration