One of my assumptions was that by "testing machine" you meant a PC that can be re-formatted whenever the mood strikes you.

Hehe, we do web sites/technology for online promotions so testing machine to us is more like those oddball machine in the corner with six different web browsers and two or three OSs installed on it and as little else as possible. We never bothered imaging them because we figured they would just blow up in a couple of days anyway and we would end up setting them up differently. Now it is months latter and somehow they are still running, but if we had to set them up again from scratch it would take somebody the better part of a day just to figure out where to find IE 3 again, let alone get it to work on an OS made in the last five years :-)

In reality it is probably not that much work, but I am not the person that would be responsible for setting one up again if I screwed it up so I don't want to break it on something that is not work related.

Even if that link to the C sources is missing, you should be able to cobble something together pretty quick by looking at my pseudo-code example and the description of the file format.

Yeah, I am looking at that right now. Well see how far I get.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration