What would help is a screen capture of what you're seeing

OK, here is an attached .jpg screen capture.

I'm almost but not quite smart enough to figure out how to put the picture right into the post, so you'll have to click on the attachment link above.

In this screen capture, none of the lines are truncated because I went full screen and back to window view to cause the one line to go non-ascii. If I played with it a bit I could get screen captures of truncated lines, and even different lines that are non-ascii. The non-ascii lines are always one of the lines (I don't think ever more than one) that show up in the different font.

And, again, it is just FerretBoy and one or two others that exhibit this behavior. Jeff -- are you posting from a Linux machine? It seems to me that one of the other "problem posters" was someone I thought waas likely on a Linux machine -- maybe Bitt?

Anyway, my screen capture will show that I'm not just making this up!

edit: Well, maybe not. The .jpg looked just fine in the "Paint" program where I saved it, but by the time it got to the bbs as an attachment, it's all scrunched up and you can't tell anything from it. Oh, wait -- if you right-click the link and save the picture to your computer, you can view it full size and then you can see what it is doing.


204650-Ferretboy.jpg (203 downloads)

Edited by tanstaafl. (19/02/2004 20:26)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"