I post mostly from a Sparc Solaris machine with Mozilla, though right now from MacOSX with OmniWeb. Very occasionally from Windows using either IE, Mozilla, or Fire{Bird,Fox}.
I'd guess that there's something wrong with your OS installation, especially given how that one line is split in two horizontally, with one font above and a different one below. Have you run a spyware catcher lately? Are your virus definitions up-to-date?
BTW, the reason it looked ``scrunched up'' was because if you load a raw picture in IE, it ``helpfully'' resizes it to fit in your window. If you hover over it long enough, there'll be a button to expand it to full size; it looks like a picture with four arrows pointing out of it, IIRC. (I point out the look of the button because, again, IIRC, there are multiple buttons that pop up.)
Bitt Faulk