What do _we_ think should be the policy? ... Spell out where 'the line' is drawn (as clearly as possible), and when it is crossed.

I can't presume to speak for other people, but to me the line is absolute and crystal clear: If I take somebody's copyrighted material, copy that material and give it to somebody else without compensating the owner; or if I accept copyrighted material without compensating the owner, then I am stealing.

This applies to music, software, art, printed materials -- you name it. Barring extraordinary circumstances (see my previoius post about "Pass in Review") I don't do it.

Others may see things differently but to my mind there is no doubt or ambiguity involved.

I'm sorry if I sound "holier than thou" but this topic does press one of my hot buttons. :-)


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"