I think that it would be in poor taste, but not as astoundingly poor as when Bush did it. When anyone else makes a joke about it, it's satire. It becomes satire in definitely poor taste when you become as close to the situation as a presidential candidate. When you're the person who sent hundreds of people to their deaths (not to mention the Iraqis killed) because of it, it makes light of it in a totally unacceptable way. How can he think it's funny that he sent those people to die for something he can't find? After all, he cannot be, or at least shouldn't be, satirizing himself -- he finds it funny, apparently.

If you ran into someone on the road and killed them, would you find it funny to make fun of yourself for not being able to drive? In my opinion, the man should be fighting back tears. Hell, he should be even if they did find WMD. People are dead because of his blunder, and this just reinforces the idea that he doesn't care -- that this is what he intended to happen all along.

(For the record, I'm going to vote for John Kerry in November, but I do not like John Kerry. He's definitely the lesser of two evils, but much lesser. At least we have vaguely similar ideas on how to run this country.)
Bitt Faulk