Whateve the Bush's adminstration's behavior, for reasons discussed before I think the world will be better off for us having gone into Iraq. I don't believe that our soldiers are dying because Bush made some mistakes, but to protect and free the people of Iraq. Yes there is a high price to pay for what we've done, but ultimately I think the price will be worth it.
Yes, protect and free those people of Iraq that we care so much about. Come on. What about the people of North Korea? Where's Zimbabwe on our list? How about Iran? Libya? Syra? If, as you say, it's really about the people, why are we stopping with Iraq? What was so important about the people of Iraq that they had to be liberated RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT, and without the blessing and support of a majority of our allies?
So you see, I support the war, but not how Bush has handled it.
Okay, that clears things up, but if you really care about the oppressed people of fascist dictatorships around the world, tell me if we should stop with Iraq, or move on to the next front in our efforts to "lberate" people. Where should we go next? Should we bother to get our friends on board this time around, or just go it alone again?

I'm not trying to be overly critical here, I just would like to know why liberating Iraq was at the top of Bush's priority list, above the economy, healthcare, and, oh yes, Afghanistan and Al Qaeda. And, for what it's worth, I totally supported this war back when I believed there was a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, and that there were WMD's. But please forgive me if my naievite has been replaced by cynicism which won't allow me to believe that GWB and his comrades really care about the people of Iraq.
- Tony C
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