OK, so it sounds like there's nothing wrong with the cabling/router. It's definitely a problem with the Win2k box. I know that you kinda proved this by using the other two machines, but it doesn't hurt to be thorough.

Now, you might as well leave the "Enable Autoconfiguration" box unchecked -- it won't do any harm, but we'll know that the router is doing the DHCP assignment.

The next question, I guess, is: What network card do you have in the Win2k box?

Something else we should check is that the server process is listening properly on the Win2k box.

At a command prompt, type "netstat -n -a -p UDP", and verify that the following port numbers are in the list, and bound to the correct IP address:

The first 4 should be bound to (at least they are on my Win2k box):
- 18678
- 21075
- 21076
- 21077

This one should be bound to the correct IP address for the adapter:
- 21078

It sounds to me like the NFS server is not responding to initial requests for software, so we should chase this down a little more.

In case it's a registry problem, check the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Diamond Multimedia\Audio Receiver Manager\1.0

Under "Adapters", should be listed each of your network adapters, by MAC. There should be a string value under these called "Bindings". For the adapter that you're interested in, make sure that it says "http;nfs". This tells the different server modules whether to bind to this adapter.

Check that you've got an "HTTP" key.

Check that you've got an "NFS" key, and that the "Image File" key is pointing to a valid receiver.arf file.

Under the "Servers" key, check that the "(default)" value reads "HTTPD;NFSD", and that you've got "HTTPD" and "NFSD" values pointing to the correct DLL files.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. Let us know how you get on.
-- roger