I've had a poke around in the kernel source and everywhere which increments that specific counter has "/* Shouldn't happen */" next to it.
Yeah, I'd noticed that too.
I think that we can rule out hijack or the player software being the root cause. Maybe kernel tweaking could help deal with the problem better, or possibly even eliminate it totally, but I don't think that this is a software problem per se.
It's also unlikely IMO to be something that can only be prevented by installing 64MB of RAM. (!) And the drive configuration doesn't look like a culprit either. I'm fairly certain that this is something specific to the display hardware.
I've just thought of another test that we really should run, Paul has two other identical players in his possession that we have not checked yet. Paul, you there? Can you fire up the other units for a few hours and then dump the contents of /proc/empeg_ir into this thread?
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962
sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.