I.m having a little trouble getting the display server installed.

1. I flashed the new kernel, no problems.
2. I unzipped and copied the install.sh file to the empeg using the empload trick, copied the file and renamed it to /empeg/var/temp/install.sh
3. When i run it (. ./install.sh) if goes thru and makes everything RW and asks where I would like to install. I just answer with the default (/usr/local/displayserver). Then I get:

where do you want to install? : [/usr/local/displayserver]
dd: -bash: No such file or directory
dd: -bash: No such file or directory
Do you want displayserver to startup automatically? : [Y/N] n
Mounting all filesystems readonly...
Installation completed...
now open your browser and connect to the empeg: userid: ttt password: ttt
To use the buttons in the java-applet, you must also install a custom
kernel or a kernel-patch; both can be found at
Have fun...
Shell exit
Starting player
empeg-car 1.01-rc2.

I poked around a little and all I can figure is that $0 is retruning '-bash' instead of 'install.sh'.

I know I'm probably just doing something stupid, any idea what it might be?

Steve Bates