What do people expect from an organization led by a person who says this:

He also cites some of Newkirk's rather startling personal views, such as this one on human children: "I am not only uninterested in having children, I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog; it is nothing but vanity, human vanity."

Most sensational is the revelation of Newkirk's last will and testament, in which she specifies that the "meat of her body be used for a human barbecue to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh" and several other clauses, including one wishing her eyes be removed and sent to the EPA Administrator "as a reminder that PETA will continue to be watching the agency."

I also like the fact that they are very against animal medicine testing, and have even gone as far to say things like existing medicine derived from animal testing shouldn't be used. Oh, well, with one exception. The animal tested medicine keeping the PETA VP alive is fine. The VP suffers from type II diabetes, and the medicine was tested on dogs.