...I don't want my lunch drop kicked and stepped on...

Don't think of it like that. Think of it as "meat tenderizer"...

Still, I have always disliked PETA for a number of various reasons. I follow them in the news just to watch what they are up to. I have not personally seen the video, and I do not really want to. If employees were caught doing this kind of thing, they should be fired. Immediately. There is no need for that kind of stupidity. But you have to wonder why a PETA member (unless whoever it was joined after the fact) would take a job in a chicken slaughterhouse and go to the office with a hidden camera unless they expected to film this kind of thing. And, if that were the case, I wonder just how long the employment record of those caught in the act was, and if they were all hired at the same time...

Personally, I prefer People Eating Tasty Animals.
Paul Grzelak
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