My thoughts:

- If you have standard cable now, and want to upgrade to anything at all, I would not recommend digital cable. As far as I've seen (and your mileage may vary), I get absolutely terrible signal on my Cox digital cable. The quality is terrible. Yes, our satellite goes out in heavy rain, but it's worth it when it does work, and having dual tuners is worth it as well. However if you have multiple Tivos in your home, the dual tuners become less of an issue with conflict resolving and program sharing.

- I recently notice that you can get an SA Series 2 Tivo at Best Buy of all places for $89. That's for the 40 hour.

- upgrading Tivos is a piece of cake. Instantcake, actually. I recently used that program and it was so easy, it took a mere 10 minutes of work to go from 35 to 114 hours.

- I happen to think that the experience of using a Tivo is unsurpassed.

- switching from phone line to network on the Tivo is actually really simple (despite what many Replay people often say). No, there's no built-in ethernet, but all you need is one of any number of USB>ethernet adapters and you're set. Alternately, you can attatch something like a Linksys WUSB11 to connect to your wireless network. After the hardware is set up, a simple change in the dialing prefix sets you up to get the program guide info from over the network.

- oh, and soon Tivo will have a program where you can send recorded programs to your PC where you can watch them or record them to DVD (or it may have already started...)