I still prefer ReplayTV for the following reasons:

1. Speed. I can quickly see what is on, what is in my saved shows, and navigate the menus.
2. No need to hack the box. If I want more storage, I plop a new hard drive in my computer and let DVArchive pull shows off the Replay nightly. I then just stream them back over the network to the ReplayTV. No need to add ethernet, no need to hack the unit, no need to void the warranty.
3. Internet show sharing. I know Tivo just got permission, but I've been enjoying it for months now with a few friends.
4. Commercial skip. True, the 5500 lacks auto commercial skip now, but it's one button press on the 5500 to skip the commercials. My 5000 and the 4500 do it automaticially.

If I ever get a second ReplayTV, number 5 would be the network conflict resolutuion where the second unit records what the first one can't, and allows the show to be played on either unit.

Oh, regarding "rain fade" with dish service. As I have said elsewhere, I have noticed signal loss on Dish Network 3 times since I have had them. I started service in 1999, and 2 of the losses were due to too much snow on the dish. Deicer works great to prevent this. Only once has a rain storm managed to knock out service, and it disrupted the show for maybe 5 minutes.

Part of it might be my elevation, since it has 7,000 feet less to go through.