Some random tidbits (we looked at building originally and even had some plans, but stumbled onto a house that we really liked and bought instead):

5) Take advantage of the sun -- position your house so you can use the sun to heat in the winter.

Better yet, be prepared for solar panels on your roof by having your roof set up right; they'll come down in price soon.


6) We have a geothermal heating unit in our house. It has pipes running under the ground where it is a constant 57 degrees so during the summer, air conditioning is close to free. It is more expensive to install, but if you're going to be in the house for a while, it will pay off. Plus it's kind of cool.

Very cool. Get it now while it's easy to do. Plus, you can possibly get incentives to do it.


7) You can never have too many power outlets.



8) You should prewire network AND cable/satellite jacks. You'll probably want both.

Yes. Definitely. Maybe not even bother with phone, and skip to VOIP.