Presently, we have a sitting President who *may* have been wirelessly prompted through a Presidential debate, but the only journalists with the temerity to ask what that bulge was live within the confines of a comic strip. That's not good.

This is tin-foil hat stuff. Was he wearing earmuffs or something to cover his ears so that we couldn't see an IFB sitting in there? The reason that nobody is bringing it up, is because only the "Bush attacked Afghanistan for an oil line!" people are buying into this.

You know, I would have agreed with this, had you posted it a few weeks ago. However, since the Republican camp took the time to answer the charge, I'm now *more* inclined to believe that Bush was wired. Why? Look at the excuse they gave -- a badly tailored shirt. Whatever. A bulletproof jacket, I can see being at least semi-plausible, though I've seen enough cops in bulletproof vests to realize that, unless they have some fancy slim version, that would be a lot more bulky. They could have said "the suit jacket just puckered strangely", and I'd accept that. But, a badly tailored shirt? Shirts don't show through a suit jacket like that. It's not even a plausible excuse, which suggests that they're lying to cover something up.