I wasn't proposing bringing in a new contractor nor dedicating anyone to this goal. Just adding some money to the bottom line for a few extra time slices that would be necessary to deliver a certain feature set within a reasonable time period.

It can certainly be done. Opportunity cost as Rob pointed out would also be my guess for biggest concern. How much $$ would it take for someone at Rio/DNNA to entertain the idea of a paid release. Having a specific feature list and a defined schedule is just more comforting. I'm not made of money, but that comfort is worth a few bucks to me. Starting at $50 and moving upward depending on the details of the proposal.

Giving access to an outside party that already has some vested interest in the empeg, under NDA (and likely anti-competetive contract) of course, is also something interesting I hadn't thought of.

I also bring this to this forum where I believe it's as good a place as any for initial exploration. Might as well find out if people would have any interest parting with money while taking some time to find out who would be the right contact at Rio/DNNA to propose the idea to.

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